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Running Wave Contemplative

As the running waves perpetually lap upon the shores—wilful, placid, sure—

so too may our thoughts turn to God—

God of Light—God of Love—God of all our hearts. Amen.


Thin Place

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

In the space, in the place, that is thin,

rests a Presence, an energy, a nuance of the Eternal, the Sacred.

In the rocky heights of the hillocks,

in the thunderous waves on the shorelines,

in the silence of the ruins near the toppled crosses ....

in these places there is a divide, which does not divide.

There is a space which is undefined.

A space which defies all measure, all time.

Luminous. Luminscent. Translucent. Transcendent.

Step into the thinness, step through to the Light.

Reach out with faith, with trust, with love and delight.

The Sacred will meet you, greet you, and complete you.

Thin will be be where it needs to be.

Ever-ready, ever-present, ever-real.

Let your heart seek the thin place.

Let your love be the thin place,

that you may live and love, and be, with your God.


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