Here I stand, in the moment, in the now.
Calm. Centred. At peace.
But, I wasn't always "here".
I wasn't always present.
I wasn't always so chill.
My centredness truly evolved.
It took intention and focus, and a great deal of me-fine-tuning-my-own-self-awareness.
I had to learn what it meant to be present, to be in the moment, to live in the moment.
To attune deeply to my here and now.
To know my now.
And "here" is a beautiful place.
"Here and now" is even more beautiful.
Present, focused, aware, contented, complete.
"Here I stand" is an utterance of self .... of self in time and in place.
"Here I stand" is awareness, affirmation, conviction, and knowing,
all wrapped up in a pretty package of presence.
Here. Now. Me. One.
Thanks be to God, Amen.